As I was doing my devotional reading this morning I ran across the passage in Mark 11:1-7 where Jesus instructs two of His disciples to go the village and obtain the donkey that He will rine into Jerusalem during His triumphant entry. This seems like a pretty simple story on the face of it. Jesus dispatches two disciples to get a donkey, the two disciples get the donkey, Jesus rides the donkey into Jerusalem. End of episode. There's just one thing that sort of makes this into an event that is important to us as modern day disciples of Jesus Christ. The disciples were given no money to buy the donkey, they were simply given authority to obtain the donkey by their master. When they found the donkey and proceeded to untie the animal and lead it away, some of the crowd challenged their right to the donkey! Their reply was that "The Lord has need of him", and with that, they were allowed to proceed.
I have read this story many times before, but have never quite processed it the way I did this morning. I have been listening to a series of messages by Mark Batterson from the National Community Church in Washington, D.C. entitled "Chasing the Wild Goose". In this series Mark talks about some of the things that stop us from reaching our full potential in our service to God as we chase the Holy Spirit or The Wild Goose. He likens the things that hinder us to "cages". I have become more aware of the various "cages" in my own life. One of the strongest cages for me is the cage of unbelief or perhaps more accurately, under-belief! When God calls us and sends us on a mission, such as fetching the donkey, He gives us the authority and the resources necessary to succeed in the mission. the two disciples didn't have to worry about how to come up with the cash to purchase the donkey, they didn't have to even argue with the folks who challenged them, they simply accepted that Jesus had given them the authority to take the donkey and they stated as much, the left with the donkey! God does the same thing for us as modern day disciples! He gives us a mission then gives us the authority, in His Name, and the resources to complete the mission. Why can't we just accept that and ten move out and accomplish the mission?
Sometimes I look back at all the times that Jesus has given me a mission and I failed to accomplish that mission because I didn't trust Him to give me the authority and resources to do what He has called me to do. I tend to become discouraged when I think back on those times and feel like He will not be inclined to give me any more missions because I have failed too many times. It is about that time that Jesus gives me yet another chance to get it right! Praise be to God that He is the God of second, third, fourth, ... chances! It is my simple prayer that the next time that Jesus sends me out to fetch the donkey that I will accept the fact that He has given me the authority and resources I need to return with that donkey!
Well, I guess that is enough for now, but then what do I know? Until next time, "Ich bin ein rodeo clown!".
Great word! Are you listening to the Batterson sermons online?
Send me the link!
Great to see you out with another blog!!!
As long as we are willing to "play in the game", God will keep handing us the ball. I don't know why He still gives me chances & opportunities. Especially when I mess up so many times with the game "on the line". I think He is the biggest Gambler & Risk-taker of all times! He is fearless!!!! And He knows He's given us the ability to go all the way. I think it's because He truly loves us unconditionally and incredibly, I think He really does believe in us!
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