Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You For Serving Our Country!

From the Greatest Generation to the Latest Generation, how does one adequately thank all of the men and women who have set aside their lives for whatever period of time to insure our continued freedom? Whether they served willingly or grudgingly, they all deserve our sincere thanks and respect. I want to take a moment to personally thank all of my fellow veterans for their service to our country!
Quite often a lot of attention is paid to those who have given their lives in the defense of our country, and rightly so, however, I want to point out that while some died in defense of our country, all of America's Veterans sacrificed some part of their lives in the defense of our country. It should never be forgotten that just because a soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine did not actually enter into combat during their tour of duty, they all lived with that potential! Furthermore, while we are honoring our veterans today let us not forget that the families of our veterans are also worthy of our honor as they too made sacrifices for the defense of our country.
So, whether you are a member of the Greatest Generation that served during World War II or a member of the Latest Generation, serving today in Iraq and Afghanistan, or of the Generations in between, I want to personally say "Thank you so very much and may God greatly bless you and your family for your service to your country!".
But then, what do I know? Until next time "Ich bin ein rodeo clown!".


Ruthie Oberg said...

That's an interesting point...that all of our serviceman gave at least PART of their lives for our country. Never thought of it that way...and good point to remember the families - not just the spouses but the kids, too.


Pastor Ogre said...

A hearty "Amen" to all your great insights. I remember my Uncle Ed who served in WWII. I always thought of him as a great warrior who killed an enemy soldier and came home with a Nazi rifle I used to admire on my Granpa's gunrack. I found out later that my uncle served in the Army as a payroll clerk/comptroller in Grand Rapids, Michigan and never left the U.S.A! He bought the Mauser rifle from another soldier coming home! But I still think my Uncle Ed was a hero. Somebody had to fight the Battle of Grand Rapids!! We all have our roles to play in service, and each role is vital to the total team effort. So thanks again to all our vets & "Rosie the Riveters"!